John Summit’s Journey from Accountant to DJ Superstar and Overcoming Social Anxiety

John Summit's Journey from Accountant to DJ Superstar and Overcoming Social Anxiety
John Summit's Journey from Accountant to DJ Superstar and Overcoming Social Anxiety

John Summit’s meteoric rise to fame has been remarkable, from selling out Madison Square Garden in just two hours to headlining Coachella and releasing his debut album Comfort in Chaos.

Despite his success, Summit’s journey hasn’t been easy, as he transitioned from an accountant to a full-time DJ after being let go from his job. Now, at 30 years old, his rapid success shows no signs of slowing down, and he continues to make waves in the music industry.

Summit recently took some time to chat with Dr. Gregory Scott Brown on Instagram Live, discussing his career, mental health, and how he manages the fast-paced lifestyle. He candidly shared how difficult it was to pursue DJ-ing in the early days, facing financial struggles and uncertainty.

His advice to his younger self emphasizes the importance of finding one’s passion and persevering through difficult times, a mindset that helped him transition from accounting to music.

John Summit's Journey from Accountant to DJ Superstar and Overcoming Social Anxiety
John Summit’s Journey from Accountant to DJ Superstar and Overcoming Social Anxiety

The DJ’s schedule is grueling, with late-night performances and early-morning flights becoming the norm. His endurance, both physically and mentally, has allowed him to maintain his hectic pace, but he acknowledges that it’s tough on the body. Summit likens himself to an endurance athlete, and this stamina is key to his ability to keep pushing forward despite the toll it takes on him.

However, despite his outward success, Summit also deals with personal challenges, particularly social anxiety. He admits to experiencing significant social anxiety, which he manages by performing behind the DJ booth, a place where he feels protected.

To confront his fears, Summit often forces himself into uncomfortable situations, such as performing at massive venues like Madison Square Garden, as a way of proving to himself that he can overcome his anxieties.

Looking forward, Summit has exciting projects on the horizon, including his new record label, Experts Only, which will allow him to nurture emerging talent in the house, electronic, and techno music scenes.

He sees this venture as an opportunity to collaborate more and build a sense of community in an otherwise solitary profession. Though he’s already achieved considerable success, Summit’s ambition shows that he is far from reaching his peak, and he’s determined to keep pushing boundaries.

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By Marcus

Marcus Johnson is a seasoned health blogger known for his engaging and insightful content on wellness, nutrition, and healthy living. His interest in writing led him to combine his academic knowledge with his talent for communication, creating a platform where readers can find practical advice and inspiring stories about living a healthier life.

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