Achieve Summer Abs with These Effective Core Exercises from Korey Rowe

Achieve Summer Abs with These Effective Core Exercises from Korey Rowe
Achieve Summer Abs with These Effective Core Exercises from Korey Rowe

If you’re working hard this summer to achieve visible abs, solely relying on situps might not bring you the results you desire. Targeting your core effectively requires a variety of movements that engage different functions of the muscles.

Korey Rowe, ACE-certified trainer, offers a smarter approach with his Summer Shred workout program, designed to provide a comprehensive core workout. Available to Men’s Health MVP Premium members on All Out Studio, this program includes a series of exercises that train your core in diverse ways to help you achieve a six-pack.

The workout includes three distinct exercises that focus on various aspects of core functionality. These exercises aim to brace, flex, and strengthen your abs using resistance, ensuring a more efficient and effective training session.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can work towards a shredded physique by the end of the summer.

Achieve Summer Abs with These Effective Core Exercises from Korey Rowe
Achieve Summer Abs with These Effective Core Exercises from Korey Rowe

The first exercise in the series is the Cable Crunch. This move adds resistance to your core workout, enhancing both strength and definition. To perform it, kneel in front of a cable tower, holding the rope attachment by your ears.

Flex your abs to pull your elbows towards your knees, pause and squeeze at the bottom, then slowly return to the starting position. Perform three sets of 15 reps for optimal results.

The second exercise is the Hanging Leg Raise, which is particularly effective for targeting the lower abs. This movement can be performed anywhere with a bar to hang from.

Grip the bar overhead, lift your feet off the floor, and engage your abs to raise your legs while rounding your back. This keeps the focus on your abs rather than your hips. Aim for three sets of 6 to 10 reps.

Lastly, the Hollow Body Rock adds dynamic movement to your core workout. Start by lying on your back, pressing your lower back into the floor. Lift your feet and shoulders slightly off the ground, extending your arms behind you while maintaining a tight core.

Rock forward and backward while keeping your posture intact, squeezing your abs and glutes throughout. This exercise helps to build core stability and strength, rounding out the comprehensive abs routine.

By incorporating these three exercises into your workout regimen, you can effectively target different areas and functions of your core muscles. This approach not only enhances muscle definition but also builds overall strength, helping you achieve your summer fitness goals.

Categorized as Health
Anthony Sebastian

By Anthony Sebastian

Anthony Sebastian is a dedicated part-time nurse and passionate medical blogger who expertly combines his hands-on healthcare experience with his love for writing. His content is grounded in evidence-based information and aims to empower readers with the knowledge they need to make informed health decisions.

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