Plant-Based Meat Linked to Health Issues That Don’t Come With Actual Meat

Plant-Based Meat (Photo: Shutterstock)

Trendy plant-based meats could be triggering health issues less frequently seen in humans who prefer to eat the real thing, a new study warns.

Research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared the impacts of protein alternatives, scientifically known as plant-based meat analogues (PBMAs), to actual meat dishes — and the experts didn’t necessarily like what they found.

“Plant-based meats may not be as good for you as once thought,” says a new study.

During an eight-week period of analysis, it turned out that actual beef provided more protein than its plant-based counterpart — while typically being higher in sodium, a problem for those struggling with hypertension.

Additionally, PBMAs contained high levels of potassium and calcium, possibly triggering issues with blood sugar control in ways not observed among meat eaters.

Plant-Based Meat (Photo: Crystal Hughes)

“This suggests that assumptions of health benefits from consuming [plant-based meats] may not be directly extrapolated to those consuming a [plant-based diet],” the researchers said.

Previous research found that plant-based diets have shown little health benefit compared to their counterpart foods.

In another study, veganism was found to boost the female libido by up to 380%.

The medical news comes as well-known brand Beyond Meat experiences declining sales. The company has been making attempts to cut fat from its products by 60% recently.

And while the jury may still be out, that hasn’t stopped the likes of Bill Gates from giving meat alternatives a strong vote of confidence.

“I think eventually these products will be very good, even though their share is small today,” Gates told Redditors in a recent online discussion.

Categorized as Health
Dr. Georgie Wyatt

By Dr. Georgie Wyatt

Dr. Georgie Wyatt is a distinguished physician and medical writer who combines his clinical expertise with a passion for clear and impactful communication. Dr. Wyatt’s commitment to improving public health through education is evident in his work.

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